Rave Reviews
The following letters were written to Kari Joys from some of her many happy, satisfied clients:
Thank you for everything Kari! You have changed my life in such a short time. I can’t believe the change in me, I feel like a totally different person! You know there is a change when EVERYONE around you notices and says you even look different You have helped me accomplish more in a few weeks than I would have ever thought possible.
I wish I would have called you years ago, maybe I would not have gone through all of this then, but then we all go through things for a reason right? I just feel so strong and empowered now, like I really can do anything! I would not be feeling the way I do right now if it weren’t for you, so thank you so much! You are an angel! You’re the best, and I am so very thankful for you! Sincerely, Kami
Dear Kari,
My entire life has changed for the better since meeting you. The anxiety and depression that I suffered from for so much of my life are gone. I now feel a sense of security I have never felt. With your help, I’ve been able to create a life in which I am truly happy. Your patience, strength and compassion have taught me how to create the life that I want. Love, Staci
Dear Kari,
It’s so hard to put into words how you have impacted my life. I am beginning to feel whole, like there is a purpose in my life. I believe now that I really will be able to stand up and make a difference. With your help and guidance, I have begun to shed the cocoon of the wounded child and release the butterfly that is in my heart. I am so looking forward to the transformation! Thank you so very much! Love, Trisha
Dear Kari,
I want to thank you for all of the help and guidance that I’ve received from you. When we first began our sessions together, I was very depressed. I felt hopeless, and to some degree, I felt suicidal. Through your compassion and caring, I can now see the light at the end of what was, for me, a very long and dark tunnel. You’ve helped me to learn to love myself again and find hope and happiness. Thank you, Kari. You’ve been a great blessing in my life. Sincerely, Sarah
Dear Kari,
My life has changed so much since you started working with me, all for the better! I now realize I have choices and I can make wise choices that affect me in a positive manner every day. In making wise choices, I have attracted so many good things in my life, my relationships are much better and I am happier than I have ever been.
Lastly, and certainly not least, is how much better I feel about myself. I hold my head high! I know that I am a valuable and important person! It shows by the positive people that are now seeking me out. Thank You, Kari! Mark
Dear Kari
I appreciate your loving compassion for me. I know that my real healing started when I came to you. Your belief in me helped me see how precious I am. Your unconditional love and guidance is an inspiration. You model compassion so beautifully, and I am continually amazed at your commitment to helping others heal. Just writing about this gets the tears of gratitude flowing. Love, Light, and Eternal Gratitude, Katherine
Dear Kari,
I wouldn’t exist on this plane if it weren’t for you. There aren’t really words to express how grateful I am for everything you’ve done for me. Thanks to you, I can focus on new horizons while we wonder what comes next! Our relationship means the world to me and I am so grateful for the experience of working with you. Thank you for taking me under your energetic, Angelic wing! I love you, Cassie
Dear Kari (My Guardian Angel),
Thank you for all of your love and support this past year. You have seen me through the separation of my husband and me, culminating in divorce. You have seen me through my mother’s illness and death. You have been like a mother to me in a way, always kind, but firm when you needed to be. Even through the sessions where I could barely talk, because of my depressed state, you gave me hope.
I wanted to die and you held onto me and helped me see that it was going to be okay! I appreciate you and thank you so much for your guidance and unconditional love. Now it’s time that I’m strong and healthy, to pass this love on to others. I will complete the process you started a year ago, in your office of angels! Love, Jayme
Hi Kari,
I have been thinking of you often. I am not really sure I fully understood the wonderful gift of you that you have always given to me. As I am nearing the end of my MSW education, I can say that I feel transformed in many ways, and I believe that transformation started with me walking into your office all those years ago. What a generous soul you have always been, never pushing, always there to help the doors of understanding open for me. I truly appreciate all that you are, and all that you have done.
I would also like to let you know that I will be throwing a celebration party. I would really love for you to be there, if possible. I will always be grateful to you for believing in me enough to allow me to believe in myself. Thank you so much for that gift! Your generosity of spirit is known to many, and much appreciated by me. Anyway, because I believe you were instrumental in my reaching for and obtaining this dream, I would like to celebrate you as well. Yours in keeping the light alive…. Devi