21 Questions to Avoid A Painful Divorce

September 1, 2012 — 2 Comments

Everyone has heard about the high rate of divorce these days. More than half of all marriages are doomed to end. Most of us don’t want to look at the ugly truth of what brings about divorce.

Some of you already know your marriage is in trouble, but you may not be not sure what the problem is. Too often, we are blind to our real issues until we have already done the irreparable damage to our marriage.
Questions to avoid divorce

For those of you who are wondering what you are doing that is making your partner unhappy, I’ve put together a list of questions that will help you understand what the real problem could be in your marriage.

Important Questions to Ask Yourself to Avoid Divorce:

  1. Are you having an extramarital affair?
  2. Are you addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, sex, work, internet or shopping?
  3. Do you physically or verbally abuse your partner?
  4. Do you always point out the negative side of things?
  5. Do you laugh at your partner’s expense?
  6. Do you constantly criticize, judge, use put-downs or sarcasm?
  7. Does your partner accuse you of always interrupting and never listening?
  8. Do you have poor communication skills?
  9. Do you always need to win an argument?
  10. Do you feel a need to control your partner’s life?
  11. Do you have angry outbursts when s/he doesn’t do what you want?
  12. Does s/he say you never help with the kids?
  13. Does your partner say you are always jealous or too needy?
  14. Do you expect your partner to support you financially?
  15. Do you think compliments are a waste of time?
  16. Are you a couch potato who always hogs the TV remote?
  17. Does s/he say you never do your share of responsibilities?
  18. Do you think it’s not necessary to support your partner’s goals and dreams?
  19. Does s/he accuse you of never apologizing or never taking responsibility for your your own issues?
  20. Do you compare your partner to other men or women?
  21. Has s/he said that you never laugh or enjoy life?

Can Your Marriage Be Saved?

If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, you will definitely need to make changes in yourself. Whatever you do, don’t put off getting professional help! Just remember that today is definitely the time to wake up and face the truth about your life. It’s very difficult for anyone to put your marriage back together after your partner’s love has died.

The good news is that we marriage counselors have learned many tools recently that can help your marriage improve, if we can simply catch it before the irreparable damage has been done.

Even if you’ve made some mistakes, you can learn from the past and set clear intentions to do better in the future. If you are willing to face your issues, many times your marriage can still be saved before it’s forever too late.

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More Information:

For more information, you may also enjoy reading some of Kari’s other Blog Posts:

A Marriage Counselor’s 10 Best Tips

The Verbally Abusive Relationship

Creating Emotional Intimacy

Help the Man  You Love Express His Feelings

100 Best Psychology/Self-Help Books

2 responses to 21 Questions to Avoid A Painful Divorce

  1. Thank you so much! I’m so glad you found it helpful. I hope you sign in and keep coming back for more! Blessings, Kari

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